The Ahle Bait (peace be upon them) are the Reminder about which the nation shall be questioned
Previous | Index | Next عَنْ اَبِي عَبْدِ اللهِ ع فِي قَوْلِ اللهِ تَعَالَى وَ اِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَكَ وَ لِقَوْمِكَ وَ سَوْفَ تُسْئَلُونَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ ص وَ اَهْلُ بَيْتِهِ الْمَسْئُولُونَ وَ هُمْ أُولُو الذِّكْرِ. Imam al-Sadeq (peace be upon him) explained about the word of Allah the High, “Surely, it is a reminder for…